Ko Yamada' s the first comic strip work for a public media. It was a serial publication on the newspaper style art publication called "Chinetsu no Koya Shinbun" (Geothrmal Wasteland Times). The senior, Sen-pai in his 40s and the Angura-guy in his 30s connect underground issues of back in time to current topics with their cynical point of view.
え、さく 「やまだ こう」として1号から7号(最終号)まで連載。
40歳代の「センパイ」と30代のアングラ君が過去のアングラネタと時事問題とをつなぎながらのシニカルな笑いを誘う?? やまだこう初の公の媒体でのまんが作品。